Share your experience

Your insights are invaluable to us. They will guide our research and shape both our current investigations and future surveys. Thank you for contributing to our journey of discovery.

How have you used psychedelics and/or consciousness practices for creativity and/or problem solving?

If so, what have they entailed?
In which field were you applying creativity and/or problem solving? (Check all that apply.)
Which of the following consciousness practices have assisted you? (Check all that apply.)
Which of the following psychotropics have assisted you? (Check all the apply.)
Pretend you are a consultant for MINDS, tasked to design a psychotropic enhanced session for breakthrough thinking and creativity. What would be your protocol?
Are there any resources you recommend we investigate?
We respect your privacy and will not share your information with any third parties without your permission.
How would you like to share your response to this survey?

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